Celebrating Teachers

by Elysian Magazine

Celebrating Teachers

September 7, 2021

One of the most dynamic minds of the 20th century, American cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead, made this observation about teachers and education, truly one of the most consequential ever stated on the matter.  But let’s not forget Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.  Mead’s remark is echoed in the lyrics of “Teach Your Children Well” when the rock supergroup sang, “teach your children what you believe in (so they can) make a world that we can live in.”

When children learn their ABCs, it’s the beginning of a lifelong journey to learning.  Whether it’s in a public school, a private university, on the streets, or—as you will read in this week’s article, Teacher, Helen Keller’s Anne Sullivan —in the School of Hard Knocks, it only matters if a child is taught to take what they learn and apply that to how they live.

Teaching is not exclusive to the young.  Not by any means.  Teaching is a way of communicating with others, of sharing, of passing down knowledge to the next generation—even if that knowledge is simply Grandma’s pie crust recipe.  Learning is exciting, invigorating, motivating, and essential to becoming all you can be.  One day should not pass by without learning something new.  As Albert Einstein wrote, “Once you stop learning you start dying.”  So, cherish learning.  Because when you do, you honor all your life-teachers.  Take what you’ve learned, and can learn, and will learn and BE SPECTACULAR!


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