On Saturday, June 8th, the ELYSIAN team joined Ambassador Ed McMullen at the US Ambassador’s Residence in Bern, Switzerland to co-host the Women Entrepreneur Cross-Cultural Roundtable, bringing together the ELYSIAN Circle of Inspiring Women with Swiss female thought leaders, businesswomen, entrepreneurs and parliamentarians.
The women seated at the table represented various fields and industries — publishing and media, business, law, diplomacy, software development, horticulture and plant sciences, pharmaceutical science, and hospitality and wellness. The cross-cultural exchange and open dialogue among the women set the stage for ongoing partnership opportunities between Swiss and US female-led interests and planted seeds for a peer-to-peer network for women’s resourcing, mentoring, and collaboration.
Thank you to all who participated—we are truly inspired by the friendships fostered at this event and energized by future opportunities to build upon connections made.