Enviremware Fashion & the Dream for Change

By Brenna Kehew Sculley

by ELYSIAN Magazine

When Dr. Christina Rahm took the mic at CatWalk FurBaby, she commanded the stage. The debut of Enviremware from Merci Dupre showcased the ultimate in luxury eco-fashion and protection. This innovative nano biotech skin-coating technology offers a barrier against hazardous toxins that could threaten your health without sacrificing style. 

The fashion line graced the runway of Sony Hall while an immersive video played, highlighting the difficult global issues we all face and setting the scene. The video featured beautiful landscapes, closeups of animals in nature, and a voiceover and soundtrack that underscored the impactful message of change. The models wore patented tech-fabric but looked chic as they showcased the many colors and silhouettes accessible in this wearable collection. 

As the show culminated in a powerful moment, all the models stood together as the video shined through and around them highlighting everything DRC Ventures works to change. The mission of DRC Ventures is to promote a world where science-backed consumer goods are accessible to all, and where their use has a positive and measurable impact on the human race and the planet as a whole… a message that was made clear throughout the fashionable showcase. 

Dr. Christina Rahm, a mother of four, as well as a daughter, sister, friend, wife, and survivor, shared more about the models with whom she shared the stage. Dr. Rahm is a scientific researcher and published author, and her fellow models were also multi-faceted women of depth and renown.

“The models up here with me today are beautiful, but beyond that they are lawyers, ambassadors, and professional women,” she said. Every woman on the stage was a powerful, impressive woman ready to be a part a solution. Dr. Rahm is well-known for speaking from her heart with honesty, integrity, and down-to-earth wisdom, which was readily apparent in her remarks at CatWalk FurBaby. 

CatWalk FurBaby as a whole was a potent reminder that we can have cruelty-free beauty, we can support pet adoption and still have beautiful animals dressed to the nines, and we can gather for fun events and still look toward positive and impactful change. 

All of the photos were taken by Getty Images and Dave Warren

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