ELYSIAN Magazine

Inside the World’s Largest Independent Bookstore

by Amber Edwards

Spanning an entire city block in the heart of Portland, Powell’s City of Books is more than just a bookstore—it’s a literary landmark. As the world’s largest independent bookstore, it houses over four million new, used, rare, and out-of-print books, attracting bibliophiles, collectors, and casual readers alike. With nine color-coded rooms, more than 3,500 subject sections, and a bustling calendar of author talks, Powell’s is an experience rather than a mere retail space.

Powell’s story began with a summer job in Chicago. Michael Powell, a literature graduate, started working at a small bookstore, immersing himself in the trade. His father, Walter Powell—a retired painting contractor—joined him for a season and fell in love with the world of bookselling. When Walter returned to Portland, he opened a used bookstore of his own, unknowingly laying the foundation for what would become an empire. Michael later returned to Portland, and together, father and son built Powell’s into the sprawling literary wonderland it is today.

The City of Books was born in a former used car dealership, and to this day, the store maintains a no-nonsense, industrial feel. Towering shelves, warehouse-style spaces, and a sense of discovery define the browsing experience. Yet, amidst this vast literary maze, Powell’s has carved out a place of pure elegance.

For those with a taste for literary luxury, Powell’s Rare Book Room is an oasis of refinement. Located across the Pearl Room from the Basil Hallward Gallery, this 1,000-square-foot sanctuary features dark wood shelving, ambient lighting, antique furniture, and carefully selected works of art. Here, thousands of Powell’s most valuable and beautiful books are housed, including a meticulously curated collection of antiquarian reference works.

This intimate space, where history and craftsmanship merge, is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with a capacity limit of just fourteen customers at a time. To enter, visitors must obtain a Rare Book Room pass from the Pearl Room information counter. Those with inquiries about the collection can contact Powell’s at 1-800-878-7323 ext. 1270, while questions regarding rare book orders placed through Powells.com should be directed to (800) 291-9676.

Beyond its vast selection, Powell’s thrives as a cultural institution. The store’s frequent author events bring literary luminaries from around the world, offering intimate discussions and book signings. The in-store coffee shop, perfect for long reading sessions, adds to the ambiance, making Powell’s not just a store but a sanctuary for book lovers.

For those who see books as more than mere objects—who understand them as artifacts of culture, history, and luxury—Powell’s City of Books remains an essential destination. In an era of digital convenience, it stands as a testament to the enduring allure of the printed word.

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