ELYSIAN Magazine

Mother’s Day: What Moms Really Want

By Brenna Kehew Sculley

by ELYSIAN Magazine

We’ve all seen the infamous Saturday Night Live skit by now, highlighting all the moms out there making elaborate Christmas magic and getting only a robe in return. It hits a little too close to home – Who hasn’t bought their mother, who never wears robes, a new robe every other holiday because we simply couldn’t think of something better? You’re not alone, as that sketch resonated with so many in a funny yet true way. 

What mothers want for Mother’s Day is maybe… not being with their children at all. Time off from the role of parent to go to the spa or even just a solo walk can be a balm to every mother. Treat your daughter or daughter-in-law and get some special time with your grandchildren while she catches her breath. 

Gift giving is a true long language, so if a traditional item is something you’re looking for, go for it. These floral birth month charm necklaces with one flower representing the birth month of your children would be sweet. When it comes to jewelry, it is nice when it is something heartfelt that symbolizes something important in the wearer’s life, like a grounding necklace from The Worry Stone or many variations of birthstone jewelry

Any gift from the heart can wow – an orchid in a lovely pot, a bouquet of wildflowers wrapped in paper, a chocolate croissant or a cup of coffee. If you’re searching for what to get your mother for Mother’s Day, chances are you just want to treat her to something nice. Don’t overthink it.

If you tend to lean more toward acts of service, take the old watch she has sitting in her jewelry box to be fixed. Hang the wallpaper she’s been meaning to get to. 

If your wife is a mother, think of something romantic to remind her that while she is still more than that to you. 

Plan and take your family on a hike, or a walk, or a picnic. Make a reservation to her favorite spot, pack the bag for the kids, coordinate with the older children in advance so they can all make it to one place at one time. Time together is the most important in the end, and the options of what makes a good memory are endless. 

For those who no longer have their mother or have a good relationship with their own mothers, take time to honor the family you have built for yourself, however that family may look. 

To all those celebrating, enjoy Mother’s Day and have fun.

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