ELYSIAN Magazine

The Women Who Inspire Us: Lisa Krasner

The National Foundation of Women Legislators

by Elysian Magazine

A Republican member of the Nevada Assembly and representative of the 26th District, native Californian LISA KRASNER does it all. Wife of Charles Krasner, M.D., and mother of their two adult sons, her work as an assemblywoman and community leader is inspiring.

The first member of her family to graduate college and graduate school, she received her bachelor’s degree from the University of California and her Juris Doctor degree from the University of La Verne College of Law. Today she is an adjunct professor in the political science department at Truckee Meadows Community College. Lisa credits her father for her work ethic. “He immigrated to the United States, the legal way. He stood in line, filled out the forms, and taught himself how to read, write, and speak English, and he worked hard to provide for his family. He taught me I could accomplish anything if I worked hard enough.”

As a member of the faculty of the University of Phoenix, she taught courses in Political Science, focusing on the United States Constitution, the Nevada State Constitution, Advocacy & Mediation, State & Local Political Processes, Critical Thinking, and Business Law. She currently teaches a similar curriculum at Truckee Meadows Community College.

More than that, Lisa cares about education. Throughout her children’s public-school education, she volunteered in the classroom and taught Junior Achievement. A member of the Galena High School PTO Boosters, she served on the Board of Directors of the State of Nevada P.T.A. and the Board of Directors of the Hunsberger Elementary School PTA.

Her belief that a strong community can improve the life of every resident was put into play as Commissioner on the State of Nevada Commission On Aging and Disability, a position she held for three years, and as a former member of the Nevada Commission on Aging Subcommittee Concerning Legislative Issues. In pursuit of a family-friendly environment, she served as a Commissioner for the City of Reno’s Recreation and Parks Commission for seven years. She poured her love of the performing arts into the Reno Philharmonic Association Board of Trustees and the Reno Philharmonic Guild, which she served as president. As a former First Vice President of the Board and present member of the Alliance with Washoe County Medical Society, she advocated community health. A stalwart Republican, she serves on the Washoe Republican Central Committee, is a member of the Incline Village Republican Women’s Club, an Associate member of the Carson City Republican Women, Mt. Rose Republican Women, the Republican Women of Reno, the Washoe Republican Women, and the Republican Men’s Club of Northern Nevada.

Lisa has received numerous honors and awards as a Legislator, including the National Woman of Achievement and Distinction Award. She also received the National Rising Star Award from Governing, Inc. Lisa has been called “A Rising Star and One to Watch.”

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