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by Elysian Magazine

“Women Inspiring Women” is our mission.

In a time of unqualified division and fear, ELYSIAN seeks to rise above the fray determined to make a difference, and focus on unique content that will be heard above the din. ELYSIAN thinks differently.


Who is the ELYSIAN woman?

The ELYSIAN woman is curious, adventurous, and imaginative. Above all, the ELYSIAN woman knows from experience that life can be tough. When she encounters inevitable obstacles and detours along the Road of Life, she gathers courage, adjusts and perseveres. She is passionate, philanthropic, and purposeful.



I believe that happiness depends upon the quality of your thoughts, and that we alone have the power over our own minds and actions. Eight years ago, I launched this quarterly magazine and named it ELYSIAN — Ancient Greek for “beautiful, creative, peaceful, and inspired.” With a remarkable team of creatives, what began as an award-winning magazine, today ELYSIAN Multimedia, is also comprised of an integrated, interactive digital platform (accesssed on ROKU, AppleTV, The ELYSIAN Channel), ELYSIAN CONNECT app, website, and weekly Newsletter.



ELYSIAN believes in the power of knowledge, beauty, and experiences. We believe that every woman has a story, value, and the ability to make a difference. To that end, a complimentary subscription to our weekly email newsletter will allow you to get to know us better.


I hope that you will embark on the ELYSIAN journey. We look forward to having you be a part of this inspiring journey!

With much love,




Karen Floyd
Publisher & Founder

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