‘Fight for Ukraine: For the Children’ – ELYSIAN Impact’s Commitment to Helping Children in Crisis

by Amber Edwards
ELYSIAN Impact’s mission is to support and uplift those in need, particularly women and children. Our latest initiative, the documentary Fight for Ukraine: For the Children, produced and directed by Karen Floyd, shines a light on the devastating impact of the Ukraine-Russia war on the youngest and most vulnerable members of society. This powerful 80-minute film is more than just a documentary – it’s a call to action and a beacon of hope.
Fight for Ukraine: For the Children is a sequel to ELYSIAN Production’s 10-time award-winning documentary, Fight for Ukraine: 12 Women’s War. Inspired by a poignant mural in Kiev depicting three pairs of hands – a soldier’s hands enfolding a woman’s hands, which in turn are protecting a child’s – Floyd returned to Ukraine in October 2023 to take a deeper look into the symbolic meaning of this image.
Filmed across various locations in Ukraine, the documentary captures the heart-wrenching realities of war. From bombed-out buildings to children’s toys scattered among the wreckage, the film presents a vivid picture of the ongoing conflict’s toll. Yet, amid the destruction, it also showcases the unyielding hope and resilience of the Ukrainian people, particularly the children who symbolize the future of the nation.
Floyd’s mission with this documentary is clear: to give a voice to the silent and highlight the strength and perseverance of those affected by the war. As a former prosecutor, judge, and passionate advocate for women and children, Floyd brings a unique perspective to the film, blending her legal and humanitarian insights to tell a compelling story of courage and hope.
Fight for Ukraine: For the Children takes viewers on an emotional journey, revealing the literal sacrifices of Ukrainian combat soldiers and the daily struggles of civilians. It underscores a powerful message: the hope of a nation lies with its children, who are the future of the Motherland.
The film’s premiere at the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts was moving. Attendees, including governors, congressmen, state legislators, and international dignitaries, gathered to reflect on the war’s impact and honor those featured in the film. The powerful stories of bravery and resilience resonated deeply, creating a palpable sense of empathy and commitment to supporting Ukraine.
Fight for Ukraine: For the Children is a testament to ELYSIAN Impact’s dedication to helping children in crisis. By documenting their stories and raising awareness, we aim to inspire action and support for those affected by the war. This documentary is not just a film – it’s a reminder that the fight for Ukraine continues, and we all have a role to play.

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