ELYSIAN Magazine

Letter From The Publisher: Winter 2016-2017

by Karen Floyd

Our Premise

ELYSIAN is a women-centric lifestyle magazine for the discerning reader. Greek in origin, the definition of Elysian and the guiding principle for the publication is to be beautiful or creative, divinely inspired, peaceful and perfect.

By tracking our digital footprint, ELYSIAN’s most frequented landing page continues to be the Women of Distinction. Each quarter four extraordinary women are interviewed and asked a series of questions with the goal of exploring the intricacies and nuances of how these women came to achieve notable and unique to vet patterns and trends. Though not completes, the overarching conclusion is that the accomplishments of these women were largely due to a deep love and passion for whatever the achievement they were recognized. As simple as it sounds, these women were inspired by something that led to their persistence, single-mindedness and resolve. Along the same lines, the Featured and Focused interview with Florida’s first female attorney general, Pam Bondi, discusses achievements that were from a purpose she describes as “larger than self.”

Our philanthropy for this winter edition is a not-for-profit, The Haven, a shelter for homeless families. Selected for its success at transforming families one at a time, this model endeavors to keep the family unit intact by providing education, counseling and life skills necessary to transition, re-enter and sustain independent living. Stunning photographers of the residents and their stories are captured in “Letters from Haven,” a book currently being published and available for distribution. The book is an obvious gift for loved ones at it serves a reminder of our many blessings this holiday season.

In the spirit of gratitude, we thank you once again for your support of ELYSIAN.


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