Letter From The Publisher: Spring 2017

by Karen Floyd

Our Premise

ELYSIAN is a women-centric lifestyle magazine for the discerning reader. Greek in origin, the definition of Elysian and the guiding principles for the publication is to be beautiful or creative, divinely inspired, peaceful and perfect.

In the perfect spirit of February’s “love your pet month,” I was photographed with my four-legged family. Kansas is my rescue dog, named from a microchip placing his birth in the state of Kansas. When he was found in South Carolina, he was eating from dumpsters, emaciated, fraught with lice and fleas and had advanced heartworms. From his implanted chip, we learned he had been missing for two years and discovered his owner was in the military and perished, leaving difficult memories for those left behind. Though attempts were made, we were told there was no place for Kansas in their lives.

I believe he was searching aimlessly for his owner and traveled across four states, wandering throughout neighborhoods, when a good Samaritan picked him up and drove him to our local veterinarian’s office. The doctor had the foresight to know we were a perfect match. No one would have believed he would become our beloved gentle giant.

In “The Little Prince,” Antonine de Saint-Exupery wrote, “One sees clearly only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eye.” I share this story because of the infinite joy animals bring and the value of “rescues” when we see the animal through our hearts as opposed to the resulting brokenness from abuse and neglect.

We thank you once again for your support of ELYSIAN and indulging us to celebrate four-legged friends and family in our spring edition.


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